Now Treating Dry Eyes in Winston-Salem, NC
Dry eye disease (DED) affects approximately 16.4 million Americans based on recent studies.
This comes as no surprise especially with the extreme increase in screen time that we have all been experiencing since early 2020. However, screen time is not the only cause of dry eyes. Certain medications, medical conditions, environmental allergens and even eye surgeries such as LASIK and cataract surgery can contribute to dry eyes.
Symptoms of dry eyes can include watery eyes, sensitivity to light, a burning sensation in the eyes, eye grittiness, as well as blurred and fluctuating vision.
I know what you are thinking, “Okay, so everyone has dry eyes, what do we do about it?” To answer that question, we first have to understand our tears! Our tears are a combination of both a watery layer and an oily layer. The oily layer is secreted from our eyelids by the meibomian glands. Like any oil, it can become solidified. When this happens inside the meibomian glands, it results in less oil in your tears causing your tears to evaporate sooner and exacerbating dry eye symptoms.
There are many treatments for dry eyes. Most patients start treatment with over-the-counter lubricating eye drops. These are great for helping to add moisture to your eyes and providing temporary relief, but what do you do when you need long-term relief?
In our office, we offer a new type of dry eye treatment called MiboFlo, which is an in-office treatment that supplies continuous, controlled heat to the outer skin of the eyelids along with a gentle massage. MiboFlo works by warming the eyelids to about ten degrees above average body temperature, which helps to move the oil through the meibomian glands. Each treatment only takes twelve minutes and feels just like a spa treatment for your eyes! Patients initially have three treatments over a six week period and in most cases will have improved dry eye symptoms for six to twenty-four months.
Ready to treat the source of your dry eyes with more than just over the counter drops? Give us a call and to schedule your MiboFlo treatment!