Introducing Amazing New Technology at A Proper View

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In our effort to continue to provide the best eye exam in Winston-Salem, NC, we are excited to introduce you to the newest technology available in our office, the Topcon Maestro2 3D OCT.

The Maestro2 provides an incredibly detailed, high resolution evaluation of the eye, from the front surface to the very back of the eye, giving our Winston-Salem eye doctor a wealth of information in the few seconds it takes to capture the image. All of this information is available immediately following the test, aiding your eye doctor in the early diagnosis of eye disease such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Each comprehensive eye exam is offered this incredibly technology, which provides each patient with not only a clear and true-color photo of the back of the eye but also an ultrasound-like technology that can evaluate the individual layers of the retina for changes from eye conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma along with systemic conditions like diabetes. Each image is saved, as well, so that findings can be compared from year-to-year to monitor for progressive changes.

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Interested in seeing how this new technology can keep your eyes healthy? Call us to schedule your next eye appointment and see how we continue to focus on providing the best eye exam in Winston-Salem, NC.